Di tulis oleh : Mr.Tjung teck
Program Pasca Sarjana S.1 ilmu hukum Universitas Terbuka Kuliah online Internet(Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 UNTAG) jakarta
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DPRD looking forward gas fuel filling station recommendation |
Warta - English News |
ROMI IRWANSYAHWASPADA ONLINE MEDAN – Medan local legislative council (DPRD) is still waiting for recommendation concerning the LPG fuel filling station (SPBBE) located at the Turi Street, Medan, due to the controversy of the Medan DPRD’s commissions legality. “While waiting for the legality, we still accommodate the society’s aspirations and complaints,” Aripay Tambunan, Medan DPRD Commission C chairman, told Waspada Online in Medan, Tuesday (Dec.1). He said that although considered as not yet clear, his office will keep following up the society’s complaints. He wants to immediately solve the matters which happen in the society completely. “The Commission C leadership is unclear, but we have already following it up,” he affirmed. Regarding the rejection of the SPBBE, his office couldn’t contact the businessperson due to illegitimate position. His office could only appeal the businessperson to accommodate the surroundings citizens. “We also don’t have the authority to summon the related office, such as the Industry and Trade Office, concerning the SPBE building license. So we will follow the meeting results which done previously and deliver it to the council leadership,” he added. The Commission C meeting was held on 11 November and attended by Medan Amplas district head, PT Petro Gasindo Energy, Pertamina and the community representative. “Obviously the SPBE existence is not endangering the community. Principle license that has been given should not violate the rules,” he said. Translated by: Gugi Ginanjar(dat06/wol-mdn) |